Saturday, November 7, 2009

Forrest Hills, pt. 2

Okay, so the visit went really well. I like the mountains, and it's just beautiful up there. They don't have the 10th available though, and we were hoping for that day. We could do the 31st, but we're scared that school might start the week after and that's just too much chaos right before school.

So on the way back home, we drove by the River Landing to take a peek... but there was a wedding going on! Imagine that! On a Saturday! Whoops... Going to try to swing by again tomorrow.

So for now, I try to look for more possible venues. I wish that Forrest Hills would work out, but if it's not meant to be, so be it.

My ring was done being resized today, so we picked it up, and I'm now typing with my forever left ring finger :) :) :) Oh, happy day

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